Good Success
5 Keys to Achieving the Kind of Success that Prospers You and Pleases God
We all want to be successful! Whether in our family, careers, business, finances, or other areas of our lives, we all want success. Unfortunately, there is a misbelief that worldly success and following the will of God are contrasting outcomes. But the Bible clearly breaks down this misconception in God's charge to Joshua before entering the promised land. Joshua and the children of Israel are on the brink of experiencing the kind of success that most people only dream of for their lives. But before they inherit this incomparable success, God gives Joshua five commands that he must follow to achieve this success. These commands or "keys" reveal that worldly success and God's will do not contrast with one another but synchronously fabricate the greatest kind of success–good success. Good Success: Five Keys to Achieving the Kind of Success that Prospers You and Pleases God is a fusion of a motivationalist's inspiration and a Bible study teacher's understanding in one read. It's a book for anyone who desires to be successful in any area of their lives and equally desires to be in the will of God.
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